S/V Nala will not just show you how beautiful is the Earth you live as will also teach you how to explore magnificent places in an inexpensive way, because that is what we do. We are going to introduce you to a less conventional and more sensational way of traveling, because Life are three days: one day to get amazed, another to live your life and the last one to tell your story.
We find indispensable keeping an open mind, therefore, we will not limit ourselves to one only subject, so be ready to discuss exploring as repairs and upgrades on S/V Nala.
And because relaxing and Lazy Days are also important, you may start seeing cocktail beverages with other eyes after some cocktail classes and tips to practice at home.
Our Plans
Our plans are always flexible and depend on the circumstances and our budget, currently Nala is sailing the Caribbean and we plan to Cross the North Atlantic back to Europe through Bermuda and Azores, after that crossing we will stop in Europe or Canaries to refit and repair NALA from all the tear and wear of her last 3 years of sailing, after we succeed with the refit we will cross the Atlantic starting from the Bijagos Archipelago in West Africa to south America and sail to Patagonia.